How can I start managing my bladder?
You can
request a blank bladder diary for your own use. The completed bladder diary will help you take an objective look at your bladder problem. It is also helpful to take to your health professional if you decide to seek treatment. Fill out the bladder diary for a 24-hour period, beginning in the morning when you first wake up, through the night, and until you wake up the next morning.
Does the book talk about kegels? Is that what the book is about?
The book does review kegels, including how to do them and how often. It contains exercises besides kegels, dietary considerations, tips for gaining control over the sudden urge to go, causes of incontinence, when to seek help, plus more. It is your guide to bladder control.
Can men's incontinence be treated at home too? Will this book help men as well as women?
Yes, men can treat their incontinence in the same way that women do. I wrote the book specifically speaking to women because so many more millions of women have the problem compared to men. But the information applies equally to men.